Extended Day Program
When the School Day Ends...
Phone Number: 336.270.5198
TBS is committed to offering a safe, fun and educational extension to our academic program. For children in grades PS3-8, we provide after school hours and activities for students in academics as well as personal and social growth.
We are committed to the safety and well-being of our students. Instructors will be diligent in the protection and safety of all students while on and off campus.
Rest, relaxation and recreational times are built into the daily schedule, as are additional coordinate programs that build self-esteem as well as team building.
Our staff will continually emphasize the importance of personal respect. Through modeling and interpersonal relationships, teachers will create a safe and tolerant environment where all are accepted and respected.
Hours of Operation
Extended Day begins at dismissal and ends at 5:30 p.m. There is a five-minute grace period. Pick-up after 5:35 p.m., according to the school’s clocks, will result in a late fee.
Enrollment WILL NOT be limited. Classes will be commingled during Extended Day. Unlike our regular school day, students from multiple classes will be combined to form Extended Day groups.
Daily Arrival Procedure
Students will be escorted to Extended Day rooms from their regular classrooms in a single-file line.
Daily Departure Procedure
Your child’s safety is our number one priority. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE SIGNED OUT BEFORE THEY DEPART.
Parents may NOT enter the school building. Upon arrival on campus, a parent should contact the Extended Day director at 336-270-5198 to alert the staff of his/her arrival. A staff member will escort the student to the front exit of the Lower School hallway.
Persons other than parents who are authorized to pick up the child must be listed on the child’s registration form. Otherwise, written permission is required and must be verified before any child is released.
While time for snack is part of the daily Extended Day routine, snack will NOT be provided to students. Students will need to provide their own snack and a water bottle.
Time is set aside during each day for students to work independently and with an instructor on homework. It is vital that parents discuss with the child the importance of using this time wisely. Many teachers assign homework each day, so every child will be expected to spend this time reading or working independently unless additional aid is requested.
All Extended Day invoices will be automatically drafted from your bank account on the 15th of the month following the invoice date. We will draft this payment from the same bank account used for tuition payments. Please complete an automatic draft authorization form with the account you would like drafted if you pay tuition on an annual or biannual basis. Please return the completed form to the Business Office.
Rates and Fees
For the 2024-25 school year, the fee structure has been simplified to one monthly package. The fee has been designed to be as equitable and as low as possible. Please note that all fees are fixed rates that begin at sign-in. We do not charge by the hour or prorate fees, except for the month of August.
Monthly Package: $225 for the first child and $195 for the second child (monthly). This includes Early Release Days and Teacher Workdays. Pick up passed 5:30 will result in a late fee of: $1.00 per minute.
Early Release/Half Days: May 2nd, May 16th
Teacher Workdays: September 20th, October 31st, January 6th, January 17th, February 28th and April 4th
Extended Day will NOT be offered on holidays and extended school vacation days (example: Spring Break) during the school year. During the 2024-25 school year, Extended Day will be closed on the following holidays and extended school vacation days:
September 2nd, November 1st, November 11th, November 25th, November 26th-29th, December 20th-January 3rd, January 20th, February 17, March 6th, March 7th, April 14th-21st, May 27th-28th
A 15-day notice must be provided in order to withdraw from the monthly package/billing cycle.
Lost and Found
While we do our best to aid students with organization, it is important to note that we also encourage personal responsibility and accountability. As such, we are unable to guarantee responsibility for student items. Students should place their items in their book bags. Items left at the end of each day will be placed in the school’s lost and found area.
Electronic Equipment
With the exception of computers, electronic equipment, including cell phones, are not allowed in Extended Day. Middle School students may use computers during homework time. Please note that Extended Day accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged electronic equipment.
Dress Code
All students in Extended Day must adhere to the dress code outlined in the Student Handbook during Extended Day. Exceptions are made for athletes going to or returning from games or practice and students participating in enrichments which necessitate different attire.
Extended Day utilizes the same TBS Pledge, discipline policy and procedure as are followed in the regular school day. Extended Day instructors work in close conjunction with classroom teachers to ensure smooth transition and emotional health for all of our students. Should incidents of concern arise that cannot be alleviated by classroom/Extended Day collaboration, a parent meeting will be requested. A homework/behavior contract may be instituted to ensure the growth and development of the student.
All incidents involving physical harm will be referred to Division Dean. If a student has continued difficulties adhering to Extended Day rules and standards, a meeting may be called with the Head of School to evaluate all options available up to and including suspension or removal of the student from the program and/or suspension from school. Removal from the program for behavioral concerns does not constitute grounds for refunds of contracted monies.
We do ask that everyone respect that Extended Day is a “safe space” for our students. To this regard, questions, concerns or grievances should be directed to the Extended Day Director, Jessica Stenhouse, and not directed toward staff who are otherwise occupied with students. Jessica Stenhouse may be reached by phone at 336-270-5198. Please leave a detailed voicemail message and all calls will be returned within 48 hours. In case of an emergency, contact the front desk immediately so that they can aid in finding the appropriate personnel to help. If you prefer to communicate via email, jstenhouse@theburlingtonschool.org is the address.
Please contact Jessica Stenhouse at jstenhouse@theburlingtonschool.org to request enrollment in Extended Day.
Enrichment Opportunities
We are pleased to announce that we will offer after school enrichment opportunities this school year. As more information becomes available, it will be shared in the Oracle.